Sales Supplies Help

Help for operating the Sales Supply site is below. Click on the menu below to learn about the buttons.

General Use

After logging in, the home page is displayed, showing featured items near the bottom and a rotating banner near the top. At the very top is the site menu.

Browsing for an Item

To see all items in a category, you can use the Product Gallery. Click on "Product Gallery" and then choose a category from the list. Large categories only load 10 items at a time. To see all the items in a large category, continue clicking the "Show next X product(s)" icon.

Finding an Item

The fastest way to find an item is by searching for it. Click in the search field and begin typing. A list of products matching your search term will be displayed. Click on an item to view that product's page. Show me.

Viewing Your Cart

After you've added items to your cart, you can view them by clicking on the cart icon. From your cart, you can remove items, save them for later or check out, beginning the purchasing process. More cart help.

Draft Orders

While you're shopping, the store will automatically save your activity and create draft orders for items placed in your cart but then abandoned. You can pick up where you left off by clicking Continue. More draft orders help.

Order History

You can view your order history and check up on pending approvals by clicking on the Checkbox. You can get the status of an order here by clicking "All" next to "My Recent Orders" and finding the order in question in the Orders List there. More order history help.

Managing your account

In this area you can view your order history, edit your personal information and manage your billing and shipping addresses. You can also log out from this icon. More account help.

The Cart

Once items have been added to your cart, you can alter them before checking out.

Shopping Cart Items - To Check Out Now

Remove the item from your cart completely.
Save an item in your cart to be added back later.
Edit an item's quanity or product options (custom items only).

Saved Items - To Check Out Later

Remove the item from your saved items (and cart) completely.
Return a saved item back to your cart.

Draft Orders

When shopping for custom items, a draft order is automatically saved as soon as you click "Continue ->" on that custom item. (Up to three draft orders are saved. If an order does not appear in Last Draft Orders or Saved Draft Orders, it is lost and must be re-created.)

Last Draft Orders

Remove the draft order completely. After clicking this and then acknowledging, it can not be recovered.
Pick up where you left off in the creation of a custom product.
Save the current state of a draft order.

Saved Draft Orders

Remove the draft order completely. After clicking this and then acknowledging, it can not be recovered.
Pick up where you left off in the creation of a custom product.

Order History

Begin by clicking the order history icon, then choosing "All()" next to the category of Pending or Recent orders.

Pending Approval Requests

If you are an approver (NFM's and Sales Supply Team Members) any orders that require your approval will appear here.

An order appearing with a status of "Locked" is currently being viewed or has recently been viewed and is not available to modify.

My Recent Orders

A complete order history is displayed in the Orders List. Above the orders list you may search for a specific order or choose what orders are displayed in the list.

In this list, several actions can be taken on an order:

Order Details

In addition to general information regarding your order, the following notable info is available in the Order Details form:

Account Details

Begin by clicking the Account Details icon, then choosing "Account". (You can also log out from this menu item.)

Order History

The Account Details area also gives access to your Order History. Clicking here will take you to the same Order History described in the "My Recent Orders" help.

Personal Information

In this area you can:

In this list, several actions can be taken on an order:


The Sales Supply store software allows you to keep as many addresses as you like in your address books. Billing Addresses should be restricted to the address where you receive Inter-State invoices. Shipping addresses can be any address you want to ship Sales Supply items to.

Recipient Lists

This feature is not currently implemented.